Springtime and early summer in north Florida is a great time for a lot of activities, including trips to the coast, walks in the park and grilling out. It’s also a great time to start taking care of your lawn or garden and keep it in top-notch shape through the rest of the year, but that can be easier said than done.
Here are a few things to consider when trying to take on those pesky weeds:
In Tallahassee, weed prevention and control can almost be a year-round job. You’ll want to start focusing on weed prevention in early spring, and again in the fall, between the times when it’s too dry and too wet outside. If you want to get rid of dandelions, make sure they’re pulled quickly so they don’t seed the rest of your yard.
The healthier the lawn, the less you need to worry about weeds. Grass that’s not cut too short, deep and infrequent watering, keeping your soil healthy, and maintaining high-traffic areas are all keys to prevent crab grass and other types of weeds from growing.
There are several different products available to prevent weeds from growing or to stop them in their tracks. It can be confusing, and the last thing you want to do is damage the best parts of your lawn or garden. There are alternatives to chemicals for weed control, so be sure to speak to a professional if you’re confused about chemicals or unsure if you should be using them.
We all want a healthy, weed-free lawn, but life happens and we don’t always have the time to focus on pulling or managing weeds. Fortunately, there are options available to help us out with this time-consuming task.
Contact C&A Landscaping to ask what services we have available, including chemical-free maintenance such as weed whipping and weed pulling, and irrigation services to keep your lawn healthy and looking great. Schedule an appointment or get a free quote online. You can also call us at (850) 329-0621.