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Pine Straw Provides Inexpensive Mulching Option

Although it is uncommon to experience below freezing temperatures in north Florida for long periods, mulching plants in preparation for winter is still a good idea. When looking for inexpensive options, many homeowners find pine straw to be their best choice. —

Pine straw can contribute to both the health and look of your planting areas. From soil enrichment and aesthetic to accessibility and price, there are an array of benefits to using this popular mulch.

Soil enrichment

For some shrubs, the use of pine straw not only helps them survive but also thrive. In addition to warming roots and preventing weed growth, pine straw infuses nutrients such as calcium, nitrogen and phosphorous into the soil as it decomposes. This makes it a wonderful organic alternative to chemical fertilizer. Pine straw also helps promote growth in acid-loving bushes, trees and plants. Can’t get enough of those brightly colored marigolds or beautiful snapdragons? Pair these flowers with pine straw to watch them really flourish.


Depending on the desired look, you can choose either a short or long needle pine straw to mulch your landscape. Short-needle pine straw is the shedding from either a loblolly pine or the slash pine tree. The needles can range from about 6 to 10 inches in length and are light brown in color.

Long-needle pine straw comes from the southern yellow pine tree, and needles range in length from 12 to 18 inches. The bright, copper-hued pine straw is great for beautifying lawns because it decomposes at a much slower rate and spreads further in landscape than short needle. However, long-needle pine straw may take you longer to find, which could hinder you from enjoying one of pine straw’s greatest attributes—it’s accessibility.

Accessibility and Cost

Pine straw is relatively easy to find because it is simply the pine needles that have fallen from the many pine trees in our areas. That’s also why it is a pretty low-cost choice. Pine straw should be laid roughly three inches deep, and with some landscaping beds being larger than others, coverage can range between 20 and 120 square feet per bale. This makes pine straw’s modest price per bale a huge draw for some homeowners.


Now that you’ve decided that pine straw is right the mulch for your lawn, it’s time for installation. Before adding pine straw to a landscape, you’ll have to prepare the soil. This can be time-consuming and labor intensive, causing many people to opt for hiring a professional. Because pine straw can be messy, the clean-up work might also be extensive following installation, so, the rest of your yard may need some tidying.

If you’re ready to enhance your yard by using pine straw in your planting areas, call C&A Landscape at 850-329-0621 prices on delivery and installation.

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